Where to begin
If you don’t already have a clear plan on how to extend your possibilities, our check in tool more scan will help you identify productive areas for attention.
Alternatively, we are happy to have a telephone call to discuss your needs. While subject to our availability, we will not charge you for a no-obligation, exploratory call.
Other options include reference to our more map template (below) and the more gallery. These tools provide high-level details of some of our core services, which are based on our assessment of common needs and opportunities.
How can we help?
There are three ways clients can access our services, either individually or in combination:
Personalised one-on-one coaching, either face-to-face (in Auckland, NZ) or via digital platforms, such as Skype or FaceTime.
Self-awareness and self-development tools and exercises from the more of me portfolio. You complete these at your place and at your pace.
By participation in one or more of our public workshops.
More map
The journey to your more will be a totally unique one and, like all important treks, it is made easier with a map. We’ve developed our more map as a flexible means for you to customise, plan and track your progress on the route to realising more of your possibilities.
The map template is based on our comprehensive more of me model, but you lead and shape the plan based on your goals, your priorities and your individual passions.
Choose the bits you want
There are six modules in our process. Five are for individuals and one, more of us, is dedicated to groups, teams and organisations. Each module is comprised of one or more units.
With our comprehensive tools and processes, you will be able to take on the bulk of the more of me process in the first three modules. 80% of the time you will need to invest takes place here, in the parts of the model we call More Core and More Work.
We can provide you with a customised estimate of the cost and number of hours you’ll require for each unit and/or combination of units – you choose. The free more map will help you make your choices.
Your choice
1 or 2 units
Coaching @ hourly rate. Related resources at no charge.
3-5 units
Coaching @ hourly rate, less discount. Related resources at no charge.
6 units or more
Coaching @ hourly rate, plus higher discount. Resources at no charge.
There is no obligation to buy multiple units. We expect that many of you might choose to complete one unit as a ‘tester’ before deciding on your final commitment to the more of me process. Fair enough. It’s your call.
We suggest that the Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0® unit is the best place to start. It is a positive and informative point to begin and will take no longer than 4 hours to complete, inclusive of 1.5 hours of coaching. The insights you will gain in this unit will link to, and compound with, insights you’ll gain from subsequent units you may take on later.

Go on - be more!
If you want to talk about finding your more of me, give us a call (+64 21 999 448). We’ll switch our ears on!
Or send us an email if you’d prefer.
If you’ve got a team that’s looking for their more of us, we’d be happy to chat.
“An optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties”