Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0®
The Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0® will point to the ‘stand out’ attributes that run deepest in you.
A personal development methodology owned and operated by Gallup, more than 17 million people worldwide have used this tool to identify and understand their innate talents.
The Top 5 Signature Strengths process involves the completion of an online assessment, which generates a report showing your top five ‘strength themes’ ranked in order of intensity. It’s fascinating, illuminating and empowering.
Donald Clifton and his colleagues studied the successes of some 2 million people across a variety of fields, from business to education. Their research concluded that 34 clusters of talent which they concluded were most directly associated with success. Each of these clusters of talent is viewed by the method as a ‘strength theme’.
“If you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything.”
Getting Started
The online test finds the themes that are present within us, but may not yet be fully developed. Our talents may be present in a raw state (still quite green) or in a mature state (well-developed and high-functioning) or at some point in between the raw and mature states. We can grow our talents to become defining strengths by investing in them through practice and refinement. Taking a strengths-based orientation, the Clifton method steers us towards work that engages us where we are at our strongest and away from areas in which we cannot realistically expect to be competitive or intrinsically rewarded.
Clifton says, we cannot be whatever we want to be, but we can be much more of who we are already. This is a perspective that we at more of me fully subscribe to. David Pearce has qualified as a Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0® Top 5 coach and is an accredited member of the Strengths Network South Pacific.
We provide follow-up coaching for people who have completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0®. We help you fully understand, appreciate and build mastery of your strength themes. This will open the possibilities for an improved quality of life, more engagement in your work and richer personal relationships.
StrengthsFinder: Actions and Outcomes
Process steps:
- Complete Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0® assessment
- Download ‘Signature Strengths’ reports
- One-on-one strengths coaching session and report
- Individual strengths development plan
- Follow up coaching as required
Time commitment required:
- Register and complete online assessment: 0:40 hr
- Read Gallup reports prior to coaching: 0:50 hr
- One-on-one coaching: 1:30 hr
- Post coaching follow up & coaching videos: 2:00 hrs
Total time commitment for this step:
5:00 hrs
Outputs and outcomes:
- Your ‘Signature Strengths’ reports
- An individual strengths development plan
- Improved mastery and maturity of talents
“No one can discover you until you do. Exploit your talents, skills and strengths and make the world sit up and take notice.”