Commit to yourself

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Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.
— Abraham Lincoln

Go all in for you

More is possible for you, if you believe in it and commit to it. The person who holds the keys to your possibilities is you. We’re confident that our more of me process can release what is best in you and broaden your options. But it’s going to take some hard work and application. It will call on you to go ‘all in’ for you.


The future depends on what you do today

So, are you ‘all in’?

You’re both the driver and the team boss of your more of me project. The depth, quality and sustainability of the outcomes will depend greatly on your approach. The more time and room you make for your more of me campaign, the more respect you grant it, the greater your rewards will be. More of me has the potential to change your life. 

You won’t be in this on your own. We’ll be your committed and resourceful supporters, a member of your pit crew. But the person to make the biggest difference in your life is going to be you. You’ll own it, drive it and then, quite rightly, celebrate your progress.

The amount of time you’ll need to invest in the more of me process will depend on your goals. Each person’s needs and ambitions will be different. Once you’ve completed the check in stage and we know your objectives, we’ll give you a tailored estimate of the time you’ll need to invest in your more of me project. We won’t seek to trap you. Outside of fees relating to our public workshops, you won’t have to prepay anything and you can stop the process without penalty or ongoing commitment to us at any time.

As you’re paying for the time you spend with us, we aim to keep these meetings short and impactful. This way we ensure you receive the maximum practical value from the more of me process. The vast majority of the time you spend working on your more of me project will be self-directed, guided by the templates and resources we’ll provide you. Yes, we know that your time is limited and precious. However, we’re confident you’ll look back on it as time well spent.


Commit to yourself: Actions and Outcomes

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Process steps:

  1. Initial exploratory conversation (by phone) – explore how the more of me process will help you reach your goals. Up to 20 minutes, no charge.
  2. Complete the check in on your more tool
  3. Read about the more of me model on our website 
  4. Coaching session to design your personalised more map 
  5. Commit to yourself – I’m ‘all in’ 
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Time commitment required: 

  • Discovery conversation:  0:20hr
  • Your research, homework and completion of the check in tool:  1:00hr
  • Coaching session and more map: 1:00hr

Total time commitment for this step:


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Outputs and outcomes:

  • Personalised more map – the route to your more 
  • A provisional action plan – set by you
  • Your contract with yourself, to gently remind you of your commitment
  • You will have made yourself a promise.
  • You will have declared your belief in you and invested in yourself and your future.