Where the best in me meets the best for me.
Email moreofme@moreofme.co.nz and add 'JUN 23' to the subject line to join this event.
Content summary
- The basis of your authenticity
- What’s driving your engagement
- How does your (current) work stack up?
- What do you bring to the table?
- Your strengths*
- Mine your old gold
- Fabulous failure
- Your personal compass*
- What does your work target look like and why
- Map the match
- Your match-making plan
What’s involved
- Participate in 8 hours of small group workshop split over two part days
- Complete and actively participate in individual and group exercises
- Short homework exercises to do prior to each module
- Option to have 30 min follow up coaching one month post the workshop
* Individual coaching sessions can be either face to face or via Skype or FaceTime.
* Participants who have already not done StrengthsFinder® would find it valuable to have done so prior to this workshop. We can help with that.
$495 + GST
Enquires and workshop précis:
David Pearce t. 021 999448 e. david@moreofme.co.nz